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Lighting Science Group Corporation是一家总部位于美国佛罗里达州的LED照明公司,成立于2004年。该公司专注于开发和生产高品质、高效能的LED照明产品,以满足不同领域的需求,包括商业、工业、医疗、农业、政府和个人家庭等。 Lighting Science Group Corporation的产品线包括各种类型的LED灯具、灯泡、灯管、面板灯、投光灯、路灯、太阳能灯等。这些产品具有高效能、长寿命、低能耗、环保等特点,能够有效地降低能源消耗和碳排放,同时提高照明质量和舒适度。 除了产品开发和生产,Lighting Science Group Corporation还致力于研究和创新LED照明技术,不断推出新的产品和解决方案,以满足客户的不同需求。该公司还与各种领域的合作伙伴合作,共同推动LED照明技术的发展和应用。 Lighting Science Group Corporation的客户遍布全球,包括美国、欧洲、亚洲、澳洲等地区,涉及各种行业和领域。该公司的产品和服务得到了客户的广泛认可和好评,成为LED照明领域的领先企业之一。 总之,Lighting Science Group Corporation是一家专注于LED照明技术的创新和应用的公司,致力于为客户提供高品质、高效能的LED照明产品和解决方案,推动照明行业的可持续发展。

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:LEDs - Lamp Replacements
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:LEDs - Lamp Replacements
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:LEDs - Lamp Replacements
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:LED Lighting - COBs, Engines, Modules, Strips
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:LED Lighting - COBs, Engines, Modules, Strips
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:LED Lighting - COBs, Engines, Modules, Strips
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:LED Lighting - COBs, Engines, Modules, Strips
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:LED Lighting - COBs, Engines, Modules, Strips
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:LED Lighting - COBs, Engines, Modules, Strips
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:LED Lighting - COBs, Engines, Modules, Strips
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:LED Lighting - COBs, Engines, Modules, Strips
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:LED Lighting - COBs, Engines, Modules, Strips
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:LED Lighting - COBs, Engines, Modules, Strips
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:LED Lighting - COBs, Engines, Modules, Strips
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:LED Lighting - COBs, Engines, Modules, Strips
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:LED Lighting - COBs, Engines, Modules, Strips
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:LED Lighting - COBs, Engines, Modules, Strips
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:LED Lighting - COBs, Engines, Modules, Strips
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:LED Lighting - COBs, Engines, Modules, Strips



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