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Orient Display是一家专业从事液晶显示器件和模组设计、生产和销售的公司。公司成立于2003年,总部位于中国深圳市,是一家集研发、生产、销售为一体的高科技企业。 Orient Display的产品线涵盖了各种尺寸和类型的液晶显示器件和模组,包括TFT-LCD、OLED、AMOLED、PMOLED、COG、TAB等。公司的产品广泛应用于智能手机、平板电脑、电视、汽车、医疗设备、工业控制等领域。 Orient Display拥有一支高素质的研发团队,具备丰富的设计和制造经验,能够为客户提供全方位的技术支持和解决方案。公司拥有先进的生产设备和严格的质量控制体系,确保产品的质量和稳定性。 Orient Display注重创新和技术研发,不断推出具有市场竞争力的新产品。公司已经获得了ISO9001、ISO14001、TS16949等多项国际认证,产品质量和环境保护得到了广泛认可。 Orient Display秉承“诚信、创新、服务、共赢”的经营理念,致力于为客户提供优质的产品和服务,与客户共同发展。公司已经与众多国内外知名企业建立了长期稳定的合作关系,成为行业内的领先企业之一。

image of >>AMC0802BR-B-B6WTDW-I2C
:Display Modules - LCD, OLED Character and Numeric
image of >>AMC0802DR-B-Y6WFDY
:Display Modules - LCD, OLED Character and Numeric
image of >>AMC0802BR-B-B6WTDW-SPI
:Display Modules - LCD, OLED Character and Numeric
image of >>AMC0802BR-B-Y6WFDY-I2C
:Display Modules - LCD, OLED Character and Numeric
image of >>AMC1602AR-B-Y6WFDY-SPI
:Display Modules - LCD, OLED Character and Numeric
image of >>AMC2002CR-B-B6WTDW
:Display Modules - LCD, OLED Character and Numeric
image of >>AMC2004AR-B-B6WTDW-SPI
:Display Modules - LCD, OLED Character and Numeric
image of >>AMC2004AR-B-B6WTDW-I2C
:Display Modules - LCD, OLED Character and Numeric
image of >>AMC1602AR-B-B6WTDW-I2C
:Display Modules - LCD, OLED Character and Numeric
image of >>AMC2002CR-B-Y6WFDY
:Display Modules - LCD, OLED Character and Numeric
image of >>AMC0802BR-B-Y6WFDY-SPI
:Display Modules - LCD, OLED Character and Numeric
image of >>AMC2004AR-B-Y6WFDY-I2C
:Display Modules - LCD, OLED Character and Numeric
image of >>AMC1602AR-B-Y6WFDY
:Display Modules - LCD, OLED Character and Numeric
image of >>AMC2004AR-B-Y6WFDY-SPI
:Display Modules - LCD, OLED Character and Numeric
image of >>AMC1602AR-B-B6WTDW-SPI
:Display Modules - LCD, OLED Character and Numeric
image of >>AMC2002CR-B-Y6WFDY-SPI
:Display Modules - LCD, OLED Character and Numeric
image of >>AMC2004AR-B-B6WTDW
:Display Modules - LCD, OLED Character and Numeric
image of >>AMC1602GR-B-B6WTDW
:Display Modules - LCD, OLED Character and Numeric
image of >>AMC1602AR-B-B6WTDW
:Display Modules - LCD, OLED Character and Numeric
image of >>AMC1602AR-B-Y6WFDY-I2C
:Display Modules - LCD, OLED Character and Numeric
image of >>AMC2004AR-B-Y6WFDY
:Display Modules - LCD, OLED Character and Numeric
image of >>AFY1280800A0-10.1INTH-C
:Display Modules - LCD, OLED, Graphic
image of >>AFY320240A0-3.5INTH-R
:Display Modules - LCD, OLED, Graphic
image of >>AFY1024600A0-7.0INTH-R
:Display Modules - LCD, OLED, Graphic
image of >>AFY240320A1-2.4INTH-C1
:Display Modules - LCD, OLED, Graphic



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