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为迎接物联网(IoT)和云端运算时代的到来,研华以智能地球推手(Enabling an Intelligent Planet)作为公司的全新企业形象及愿景。研华除深化既有产品的应用之外,也针对公司的经营策略进行相应地调整,未来将以推动整合型IoT解决方案为发展主轴。此外,研华也将投入大量的资源和人力来强化于垂直市场的能见度,并透过跨产业服务平台的支持体系,充分运用进阶的网络软件技术,来发展以IoT为中心的智能应用。研华有信心在IoT、自动化、及嵌入式运算等产业成为具有影响力的跨国公司,并提供客户以价值为导向的多样性客制化服务。透过不断地创新应用发展,研华将全力投入提升智能化生活与确保人类福祉的企业目标。研华一直在高质量以及高效能运算平台的发展和制造上,扮演一个创新者的角色。因此我们提供了全面性的软硬件系统整合、以顾客为导向的设计服务、全球后勤支持以及领先同业的电子化办公室设施等种种无限可能的应用服务。

image of >>OP10-PL01
image of >>1000-PM
image of >>POC-127-BA0E
image of >>FPM-8151H-R3BE
:Display Modules - LCD, OLED, Graphic
image of >>FPM-7121T-R3AE
:Display Modules - LCD, OLED, Graphic
image of >>FPM-1150G-RVAE
:Display Modules - LCD, OLED, Graphic
image of >>FPM-7181W-P3AE
:Display Modules - LCD, OLED, Graphic
image of >>FPM-7061T-R3AE
:Display Modules - LCD, OLED, Graphic
image of >>FPM-121W-P7AE
:Display Modules - LCD, OLED, Graphic
image of >>FPM-215W-P1AE
:Display Modules - LCD, OLED, Graphic
image of >>FPM-212-R8AE
:Display Modules - LCD, OLED, Graphic
image of >>FPM-221W-P1AE
:Display Modules - LCD, OLED, Graphic
image of >>FPM-2120G-R3BE
:Display Modules - LCD, OLED, Graphic
image of >>FPM-3151G-R3BE
:Display Modules - LCD, OLED, Graphic
image of >>FPM-3171G-R3BE
:Display Modules - LCD, OLED, Graphic
image of >>FPM-1150G-RHAE
:Display Modules - LCD, OLED, Graphic
image of >>FPM-221W-P4AE
:Display Modules - LCD, OLED, Graphic
image of >>FPM-7211W-P3AE
:Display Modules - LCD, OLED, Graphic
image of >>FPM-3191G-R3BE
:Display Modules - LCD, OLED, Graphic
image of >>FPM-7151T-R3AE
:Display Modules - LCD, OLED, Graphic
image of >>FPM-3121G-R3BE
:Display Modules - LCD, OLED, Graphic
image of >>FPM-212-R9AE
:Display Modules - LCD, OLED, Graphic
image of >>FPM-215-R9AE
:Display Modules - LCD, OLED, Graphic
image of >>FPM-217-R9AE
:Display Modules - LCD, OLED, Graphic
image of >>FPM-219-R9AE
:Display Modules - LCD, OLED, Graphic



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